Mergel & Compagnons, SARL. Rue du Colombier 6, CH - 1202 Genève, +41 76 202 11 96
The tradition of the journeymen's wanderings origins in the 12th century, and is still maintained in the French and German speaking countries as well as Scandinavia. The statutes of the diverse guilds differ according to their origin and representing professions, but they all have in common the goals of professional development and the cultivation of tradition and customs. During the years abroad, the journeymen learn to know new working practices, different habits and cultural backgrounds. The members of the German speaking and Scandinavian brotherhoods of companions are not allowed to enter an area closer than 50 km to their hometown (so called banned area), during their triennial journey.
Those who are interested to learn a little more from the world of journeymen on the Walz will subsequently find some selected articles about ongoing projects and happenings.